hey i'm thistle and welcome to my carrd

  • i'm 15

  • i use they/them

  • this blog consists of aesthetic posting, me complaining, and occasionally talking about my interests

  • gay married to @lolanimeamirite and @garlic-dead

  • no terfs or truscum

  • no anti-antis / pro-shippers / whatever those creeps go by now

  • no 'bi lesbians'

  • i dont care if adults interact, just don't be weird

  • said interests consist of:

  • misc. podcasts

  • dnd campaign i'm in with a bunch of internet friends - check out #north of noorn for more

  • art and fashion

  • lgbt history

  • shitty music

  • opossums

  • horror

  • i'd reccommend blacklisting 'ed tw' if you're sensitive to that

  • i also tag most other common triggers, just lmk if you want me to tag smth and i'll try to remember

( made with carrd )